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Friday, February 5, 2010

Selling Your Photography Services

What is the best way to reach your potential clients for photography. First of all you need an online portfolio of your work. So a website or blog page that people can go to and check out what your photography is all about. For example here is my website.

You need to post adds whether it be on craigslist, the local newspaper in your area. Hand out business cards. (You can get them made cheaply at to events and don't be afraid to network with other photographers. Sometimes photographers get overbooked and might send some of there clients to you.

Its all about marketing yourself. Also a facebook fanpage is one of the most searchable sites on the internet. If you set up a fan page you can also do adwords on facebook which go out to a highly targeted audience in specific areas that you designate. You can say I want this ad to go to engaged women, within 25 miles of my zipcode that are between the ages of 24 and 30. That way you are not wasting your money marketing say wedding photography to people that aren't even close to getting married.

Photography is about 80% business and marketing and 20% taking photos.
Just be approachable and get your self out and about.
I work as a bouncer at a bar at night so I can meet new contacts without spending money to go out. Its an awesome bar in san juan capistrano called the Swallows Inn.
Just think of fun ways to meet people and get your name in the back of peoples heads.
Hope this helps

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